Patricks' 26th cousin is a racist bastard

the episode started out as the intro started, it was pretty normal. after that the title card flashed for 1 second. I managed to record it and pause. my cousin was in the room when I did and she ran out of the room. I turned off my TV and ran after her. she ran into her room and slammed it. I ran in after her. she slammed to the ground and started twitching and spouting out green liquid from her mouth. she eventually got taken to the hospital. I ran into my room to see what she was so upset about. WHAT A FUCKING BABY, all the title card showed was a wood-text that said, "Reunion". oh, I remember now, I put a 'special' liquid into her apple juice. (last week she put pig blood in my wine). I turned off the TV and I thought, "WHY THE FUCK AM I WATCHING FUCKING SPONGEBOB WHEN I AM A GROWN MAN?" so I walked out of the room and started writing my latest trollpasta, Shrek Is Love.EXE